Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Making Magic

In my spare time I have been making custom cards for Magic the Gathering, About once a week I will showcase a bit of my work.

This weeks card:

[I do not own the artwork on this card, If you look I gave credit to the artist. Also I am not making any form of profit off of this, I make these cards for fun and nothing else. If you want a custom card of your own email me at zetto1995@hotmail.ca and I will tell you what I will need to make the card.]

Monday, July 30, 2012

It's drafty in here.

[Every week I play a Magic Booster Draft, I will post the high lights of it here.]
When I draft I often build my deck around my first pick, As such I try to make my first pick a rare. This week I first picked a Serra Avenger. Then I began to draft a B/W Exalted/Control deck. I was lucky enough to draft four copy's of Pacifism, Two copy's of Duress, Two copy's of Disentomb and a O Ring, All of witch proved to be very useful. I played 8 games against 3 opponents. My first foe used a life gain deck witch was rather annoying, I would spend a turn or two doing damage to her and she would cast Angel's Mercy and gain it all back. Despite that I won 2/0 with 17 seconds left on the clock. During my first match I used a Servant of Nefarox enchanted with Mark of the Vampire to gain 20 life.
My second foe was a lot stronger, Using a elf powered Sands deck he managed to mill me to death once but  my Avenger beat him twice. My third foe ended my wining streak though, He used W/U flyers. I did manage to beat him once but in the end I lost.
All in all It was very successful, I would have liked to have won a bit more but I had a good time and that's what matters. I also managed to trade my Avenger and two other rares for a Primeval Titan.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Design flaw

I just found out something, The dishwasher we have has a flaw in it. It seems that if you turn the tap in the kitchen to cold it will stop dishes from getting clean. The weird part is you don't even have to turn the water on for this to happen.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

The war on the answering machine

You may have read my post on how my cats are trying to kill the answering machine, They have not stopped. Yesterday daisy shoved it off the window sill and just a few minuets ago she did it again, I still have no clue why.
UPDATE: After another attack I have moved the answering machine to the floor, It seems to be safe now.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Making Magic

In my spare time I have been making custom cards for Magic the Gathering, About once a week I will showcase a bit of my work.
This weeks card:
[I do not own the artwork on this card, If you look I gave credit to the artist. Also I am not making any form of profit off of this, I make these cards for fun and nothing else. If you want a custom card of your own email me at zetto1995@hotmail.ca and I will tell you what I will need to make the card.]


I'm having a few problems with the text, For some reason it is covering it up, If you can not read any thing Just high-light it. Sorry for the trouble.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

My cats.

[Sorry about the text, Highlite it to read it.]
My cats have been horking up hairballs lately so My mom had to give them some hairball medication, I gather that they don't like the taste of it: 

Monday, July 16, 2012

Making Magic.

[I'm having more problems with the text, You can read it if you highlite it though. Sorry.]
In my spare time I have been making custom cards for Magic the Gathering, About once a week I will showcase a bit of my work.
This weeks card:
And the token:
As you may have gathered I am a big fan of H.P Lovecraft's work.
[I do not own the artwork on either card, Nor do I know who the artist is for the token, If you look I gave credit to the artist for the first card. If anyone knows who did the art on the token please email me. Also I am not making any form of profit off of this, I make these cards for fun and nothing else. If you want a custom card of your own email me at zetto1995@hotmail.ca and I will tell you what I will need to make the card.]

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Update on the fridge.

Well, We are finally down to one fridge around here, And have I got a story to tell:
Our old fridge had a water dispenser that has connected to the plumbing system by a copper pipe, And so when the guy came around with the new fridge he informed us that he was not allowed to take the old fridge because it was hooked up to the plumbing and he is not allowed to unhook it, He put our new fridge in the kitchen [as i'm sure you saw] and left, When my dad came home a few hours later and took steps to solve the problem, The first step was to turn off the water to our house, The next step was to disconnect the old fridge from the pipe and cap it off, A process that required a trip to the hardware store, He came back with a cap that turned out to be the wrong size and had to go back, He made a second trip and came back with another one that did not fit and went back a third time, Upon arrival he tried to find an employee to help him and as a result he got a promise that someone was coming but no one showed up, He finally tracked someone down only to find out that they were busy, My dad then gave up and went home to call a plumbing supply store, It was closed. In the end he got the cap but the story does not end here, When the guys come to take the old fridge away they break off a section of pipe that was in the way and it sprayed water all over the older of the two, As they removed the old fridge it leaked a trail of filthy water all over the floor and the pipe kept leaking for the next 12 hours.
Even by my standards the whole thing was quite weird.

Friday, July 13, 2012


Guess what I bought, Go on guess........ Can't guess? I bought a kickass hat!
Feel free to comment.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Story of my life.

Today has been exceedingly weird, First the internet shagged up and I was offline for most of the day, Then our new fridge showed up [the old one died on us] but the guy who delivered it can't remove the old one so we have two fridges sitting in our kitchen. I took a video.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Making Magic.

In my spare time I have been making custom cards for Magic the Gathering, About once a week I will showcase a bit of my work.
This weeks card:
[I do not own the artwork on this card, Nor do I know who the artist is, If anyone knows who did the art please email me. Also I am not making any form of profit off of this, I make these cards for fun and nothing else. If you want a custom card of your own email me at zetto1995@hotmail.ca and I will tell you what I will need to make the card.]

Monday, July 9, 2012

My cats.

[Sorry about the text, You can still read this if you highlite it.]
Recently my cats have started waging war on the answering machine, Last night I awoke to a crash only to find the answering machine on the floor with Jag sitting on top of it, Earlier today Daisy shoved it off of the windowsill, I have no clue why they fell compelled to kill a beninge peice of plastic and curictry that has never made a hostile move in it's life, But with the way my life is this is almost normal.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Making Magic

In my spare time I have been making custom cards for Magic the Gathering, About once a week I will showcase a bit of my work.
This weeks card:
[I do not own the artwork on this card, If you look I gave credit to the artist. Also I am not making any form of profit off of this, I make these cards for fun and nothing else. If you want a custom card of your own email me at zetto1995@hotmail.ca and I will tell you what I will need to make the card.]

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

My cats

Yesterday I was a witness to a rather amusing stunt one of my cats pulled, My mom was lying on the couch and Daisy was on top of her, Daisy lay down for a while then she got up, Ate some food and came back and proceeded to flop down on the back of the couch, After a while my mom got up to get a drink and the moment she got up Daisy was sitting in my mom's spot grooming herself and looking like she owned the couch, My mom saw this, gave up and sat down elsewhere.

And now for some pictures:
                                          Daisy looking rather smug.

                                          Daisy in the process of grooming.

Fur, Fish, And Film.

[Sorry for the delay in posting, I have had a lot to do lately. L.V.S]

Before I get started I should explain something, Fur, Fish, And Film is a feature I will do about movies, Whenever I watch a movie [Which will not be often.] I will do a short review of it.

Movie I watched: Dead Snow.

Genre: Zombies/ Horror.

Review: All in all a good film, It is a Norwegian film and in my opinion that makes it stand out. The zombies are non standard, These ones are intelligent, Organised, And use weapons which I think is very cool. Granted Dead Snow does not cover any new ground, But it is still quite memorable with one of the most awesome dismemberment's I have ever seen, And a very funny moment in which a zombie is on the back of a snowmobile about to stab one of the main characters and a branch comes and clotheslines it before it can do any harm. I would highly recommend watching it.
In conclusion you can't really say anything bad about a movie that has Nazis, Zombies, And a snowmobile with a MG mounted on it.

Rating: 8.5/10